Friday, March 12, 2010

Some news..

So, my Endocrinologists' office woke me up this morning... which is good for 2 reasons. One, they gave me my lab result news. It's funny, I messed up by not taking the dexamethasone for the suppression test because they didn't explain the directions clear to me, so I had to retake the test. Well, that wasn't the funny part, but I had to go back for another lab slip and retake the test about 2 days later. They call me to tell my that my cortisol came back high, so I reminded the lady that I didn't take the dex and that she should prob tell the dr because the test is invalid. So she says she'll call me back.

Apparently the dr said that the level was still too high for being a standard level and wants me to continue on with the testing. SO what does this mean? More lab test.. Lucky me gets to do a 24 hr urine collection... SERIOUSLY? I get to put my pee into my fridge. What a total inconvenience!! I pretty much can't leave the house for an entire day. WTF. I really wish I could just be admitted for all this crap. Along with the pee, they want spit. I get to wake up at midnight and... SPIT IN A CUP. I swear, endocrine is some weird stuff.

So my dr still thinks it's Cushings... the part that I struggle with is that based on my research, my labs are in the upper normal range. I know I'm not a dr, but I like clear cut lines... and my case isn't clear cut. I think I should just leave the diagnosing to my dr...

Okay... back to studying


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