Saturday, September 5, 2009

Social Networking

So I have browsed quite a bit. I recall a post talking about whether or not to friend doctors from work. I thought it was an absurd question. What could be so wrong with that? Plenty of things thats what!

I recently came across many doctors from the ER I used to work in on facebook. Mind you, some of these doctors have cheated on their wives (Known fact), and they're also not the most mild mannered people you might come across. Any who, said doctor from work friend requested me. Let's call him Will. I added him after much thought. Then I get a little pop up chat from him. We chat a bit. But then he starts commenting on my pictures and other things and I'm thinking, Oh lord, what if he brings this up at work. No.. No No No... this won't work. So I deleted him. Was this a bad move? Surely he's going to either friend request me again or ask me WTF at work.

I stand behind my decision. No doctors, school faculty, or older family members will be my friends on facebook.
It's too dangerous!! I love to rant on there, let a little frustration out. But no, I'll have to censor myself. Yea, I'm not ready to be censored.

Let the denied friend requests begin!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Those lazy summer days

The countdown is officially 10 days until school starts.. I'm worried. This quarter by far is going to be my toughest yet. The faculty/staff at school say, if you survive 4th quarter, then you're pretty much smooth sailing to graduation. I'm not worried about failing. Honestly, I don't think it's an option. I think I'm more anxious about the complexity of the subject.

I had many goals this summer. I wanted to learn my lab values down pat, I wanted to look up all the critical care drugs I could and learn them, I was going to read that stupid critical care chapter no less than 3 times (as per our instructors advice), and I was even going to do research on lines... but what have I done? Nothing.

I'm almost 1/2 way through the chapter, but I can't seem to motivate myself to finish it. The reading isn't easy, it's stuff you've never even seen before, things you can only imagine in your head and hope that you recognize in clinicals... I guess all I can do is try... but even that is beyond me right now.

I purchased my planner for the school year, and I solemnly vow to use it... I think staying organized is what will get me through these next 10 weeks... enough about school... must get back to farmville... stupid addicting facebook game!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

TB (+)

So recently I had my annual skin test for TB. This year however I cam back POSITIVE. Gasp. I ws kind of surprised, scratch that. I was extremely surprised. I work in the ICU and yes we do get TB patients but it almost felt as if I slipped up. Had I not entirely protected myself when entering a droplet isolation room? None the less I was mandated by employee health to get a CXR.

The results of the CXR was, "nothing acute." Just as I expected. I still feel a little "dirty." Like I was just given life changing information and now I am a infected person. But I'm smart enough to know that just because you come back positive doesn't mean that you had the infection, just that your body has built antibodies to the infection. Well today when I went to get my health clearance for school the doctor found out I came back positive. He highly recommended that I start on Isoniazid (INH) for 9 months! He said that this way in the future it will dramatically reduce my chances of having this hidden infection "activate" in the event I were to become immunocompromised.

Worst part of it all? No drinking for the next 9 months! I was never really a drinker though so it shouldn't be hard...

that's all..

A little about me..

So I've finally taken the plunge and decided to create a blog. This is going to be my primary source of ranting and raving, basically it's what's going to keep me sane during the next two years of my life. I'm about to start my second year of nursing school in a 3 year BSN program. It's my 5th year in college and in 2 more years I will have my 6 year 4 year degree. No worries though, it will all be worth it in the end.

I'm a bit of an over-achiever, I'm highly competitive and I don't accept anything less than my best. I have high expectations and people say I'm a little anal. I was once told though that nursing is the one profession where being anal is a good trait. I work in an ICU and have worked in the hospital for 3 years (2 years in the ER). I've seen a lot of crazy things, some people say that the hospital isn't what it's like on TV, but in my case sometimes it is...

That's all for now...
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