Friday, February 26, 2010


So.. talked to the higher ups, my mentor to be exact, and learned the truth behind my "non-invitation". It's all good! Basically I'm as good as guaranteed in next year. The nice thing is that I was a discussion between the faculty, which makes me feel better. And I even came up during clinical about how much I deserve the invitation. Sad thing is, people assume that I was invited, so all the "invitees" are texting me and are like, so you get invited? Next I get to say, no, I wasn't.. and deal with the whole "What?? Why not?"" Seriously people? Whatever

On a good note, it is the weekend, or at least my form of the weekend, which means, work. Such a nice relief from school... so for now I say farwell

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


SO... Sigma Theta Tau (STT) invites went out today... and I'm sad to say I was NOT invited... At first I was extremely upset about this. I think I was one of the few who actually wanted to be invited, was interested in participating, and it actually meant something to. Well, the qualifications are to be the top 35% of your class, & demonstrate leadership. My overall GPA for the past 5 years is a 3.1. My nursing GPA is a 3.8. I got the highest grade in the toughest class (A- for critical care) AND scored the highest on our ATI comprehensive medical-surgical final (99% in the nation). But, overall I am not with the highest GPA.

This sucks. I'm hurt. The person who has a part in the decision making told me last quarter than no doubtedly I would be invited. Was I? No. I'm active in the department. I am on 3 committees for faculty. I volunteer for events. I am the president of my class. I have a part-time job in the ICU... WHAT ELSE??

I feel like all I've done is for nothing. But that's a bit dramatic I know... I am thankful though after talking to my friend. She was in clinical today and some how I came up and the clinical & professor said no doubtedly I should get one... that she'd be shocked if I didn't. So that makes me feel a tiny bit better. Maybe all I do isn't unnoticed? Oh well, I do what I do for myself. Not for anyone else. So at this point in the day I must say I feel okay with the situation. Thank god for good friends!!

okay, bed time for me... night all

Sunday, February 21, 2010


So, it seems as if our rotation on Peds has got everyone sick with a stomach bug. Now this could be unrelated to our rotation OR it can totally be caused by the filthy little bug breathers. I personally choose them as being at fault. It looks like a nice chunk of our class has the stomach flu right now. What a horrible thing to have. I personally had it about 4 weeks ago... nasty thing. I've never had it before and it hit me HARD! Full liquid diet if even that. But after about 5 days I was over it.

Tomorrow is Peds test #2... I'm not super scared... but I am a little. It's a ton of material and instead of studying right now, I'm writing this... oh well. I just haven't been able to fully wake up this morning so I'm hoping this gives me the encouragement to go take a shower and start studying...

This week is going to be busy again. Tomorrow I have lecture, then a meeting, then SIM lab, then I have to go to the hospital to pick our 4 patients for team nursing THEN I get to write up all of their information... jeeze. I think that's the busiest part. Hopefully I'll have everything done so that on tues I can sleep in before clinical (I have a 3pm clinical)... that would be soooo nice!

As my 5th yawn for the past 5 minutes just hit, I'm thinking I should go shower... that should wake me up....

Friday, February 19, 2010

Group projects

Words cannot begin to express how much I hate group projects. What is it about sharing work for a grade that induces laziness?? It's funny, I don't think I've heard of one group that worked well together. Everyone in our class seemed to be frustrated at other people's lack of initiative and laziness. I thought I had a good group, boy was I wrong... We did our project on internet safety, quite an interesting topic. However, my group wanted to go home the weekend before it was due. Priorities people!!! Forget that we haven't done a poster board, forget that we haven't planned our presentation, just got home and spend 4 days with your "Valentine". At least he will still be there for you after you fail out of the program.

Sorry to rant, but I just wish that this project was a solo job. I guess it's a valid representation of what future group efforts in nursing will be like. Who know's when the grade will come out, we did do a self/group evaluation that was "private", but I didn't blast my partners. I think in the end the product was good and we shouldn't get less than a B+.

Oh well, I guess I should get back to studying for Peds... FUN

Sunday, February 14, 2010


So I'm kinda excited.. I was quoted in a local newspaper on H1N1 and the decline in interest for vaccinations. Interesting subject I think. I've done a lot with the flu this season, I've participated in 2 flu clinics.. helped run 1, from the beginning I helped with planning and was the right hand person for the nurse in charge, such a great learning experience. Then I participated in a local flu shot clinic where I actually got to give shots.. that was nice : D

As of right now I just got off work. I'm super tired and really just wishing to sleep for the next 3 hours before church. Today I've got to get together with my group to finish our group project and then tomorrow it's back to school. This week is going to be super busy, I've got my long care plan to do AND we have an exam on monday and I've read NOTHING... gotta change that fast... alright, that's all for now...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Things you hear

I'm not sure if it's just my lack of sleep or that I was feeling in a fighting mood but today I may have challenged my boss (who is also my mentors mom...). Today in our staff meeting our director said that to improve codes it was necessary to remove family from the room to the waiting room. I was shocked... how often are we told that family needs to be present for multiple reasons?
1. for purpose of the families mentality
2. to remind families that patients who are dying are human beings
3. I can't remember I'm still tired
Anyways, she proceeds to say that they need to be removed and something in me snapped. I said, "you are undermining everything they teach us in nursing school"... she then goes to retract her statement and clarify that families from other rooms in the ICU are to be removed and that the family in the coding patients room should be moved to the door area to allow room and then for a nurse to explain what's going on to the family (which is what they teach us)....

Thinking about what I've said now, I kinda feel stupid... how dare I say something like that to my boss... and in front of everyone... wow... I need to watch my mouth

oh well

it's bed time people. night

Monday, February 8, 2010

Just an update

So it has been a loong time since I've last blogged and it's time for an update. First off I passed critical care : D I finished with the highest grade in the class and on our comprehensive med-surg Final given by ATI I found out I ranked 99th% in the nation which is a huge accomplishment. I worked extremely hard but nearly lost my mind in the process.

During CC we hosted a community immunization clinic while following FEMA guidelines as a mass disaster mock drill, similar to what would happen if the community needed mass medication for a terroristic event.. anyways the whole preparation for the event was phenomenal. I was able to work side by side with my mentor and learn a load about planning. It was an experience to be remembered.

After that was over and CC was done I spent a month long winter break working my tail off. I'm sure tons of interesting things happened but I haven't the memory at this time to recall them.

This leads me to where I am now. I was recently diagnosed by my PMD with a pituitary tumor and adult onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia. For those of you who aren't anatomy savvy, your pituitary is directly in the center of you brain (but isn't your brain). As for this adrenal disease I'm still in the air about it. I've got an appt to see an endocrinologist but that isn't til March, and I've been waiting since January. All this has been quite over whelming. I've been going to dr visits and lab tests and MRIs weekly and its quite taxing on me.

This quarter has started and in fact, we are actually half way done. I'm kind of scared because I feel so behind. We've had a huge APA research paper and another huge APA teaching project done in the past few weeks and I've got to say it's all getting to me. I know this is nursing school, and that it's hard, but to add medical problems on top of that isn't easy.

So I leave you here now, it's 1 am and I should go to sleep, class is at 9:30 and I still have to study for the quiz. My theory is take it one day at a time, use my planner to make sure I don't forget anything, and it will all work out...

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