Monday, February 8, 2010

Just an update

So it has been a loong time since I've last blogged and it's time for an update. First off I passed critical care : D I finished with the highest grade in the class and on our comprehensive med-surg Final given by ATI I found out I ranked 99th% in the nation which is a huge accomplishment. I worked extremely hard but nearly lost my mind in the process.

During CC we hosted a community immunization clinic while following FEMA guidelines as a mass disaster mock drill, similar to what would happen if the community needed mass medication for a terroristic event.. anyways the whole preparation for the event was phenomenal. I was able to work side by side with my mentor and learn a load about planning. It was an experience to be remembered.

After that was over and CC was done I spent a month long winter break working my tail off. I'm sure tons of interesting things happened but I haven't the memory at this time to recall them.

This leads me to where I am now. I was recently diagnosed by my PMD with a pituitary tumor and adult onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia. For those of you who aren't anatomy savvy, your pituitary is directly in the center of you brain (but isn't your brain). As for this adrenal disease I'm still in the air about it. I've got an appt to see an endocrinologist but that isn't til March, and I've been waiting since January. All this has been quite over whelming. I've been going to dr visits and lab tests and MRIs weekly and its quite taxing on me.

This quarter has started and in fact, we are actually half way done. I'm kind of scared because I feel so behind. We've had a huge APA research paper and another huge APA teaching project done in the past few weeks and I've got to say it's all getting to me. I know this is nursing school, and that it's hard, but to add medical problems on top of that isn't easy.

So I leave you here now, it's 1 am and I should go to sleep, class is at 9:30 and I still have to study for the quiz. My theory is take it one day at a time, use my planner to make sure I don't forget anything, and it will all work out...



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