Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Whew.. that's over!

Wow, this last quarter just about killed me. I was taking OB theory, and clinical, Senior Seminar, and Externing, I was extremely involved in CNSA, and a research study at school. Not to mention I was working out 3 times a week at 0600 AND still working my 2 night shifts in the ICU. I have no idea how I survived. Point is I did. Unfortunately I got my first B+ in theory since the first quarter 2 years ago. But the main consolation to that was that nobody scored higher than a B+, sad thing is, my final grade was 89.5... OH WELL!!

So I've officially completed quart 7 out of 9, the first of my last year in nursing school. I am a senior!! This next quarter I'll be taking Senior practicum, and whatever else I choose!! How exciting. So in case you don't know, senior practicum is a course where you go and do 108 hrs where you want to work when you graduate (all based on placements and first request honored etc). My love has been the ICU, however that is not where I am doing my practicum.

I was asked by my mentor to do senior practicum with her and her students. I will be a teachers assistant and go to clinical with her class and help 2nd qtr nursing students on the floor. I must say, I'm actually kind of excited about this. I remember my senior students who helped and they were awesome. They made me more confident and made my clinical experience much better. I hope I can do this for these students too...

We shall see, school starts next week. I'm taking 15 units, an upper division course, painting, and senior practicum... I think this quarter will be nice : )
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