Thursday, March 11, 2010

Patience is a...

Whoever said patience is a virtue must have not been a nursing student! Seriously... I have never been a patient person. If I want something, I get it. I want a new camera, I get a credit card and buy it. Apply to nursing school? Heck no I'm not waiting for a letter, I've got insiders to tell me I'm in much faster... And now, I've applied for some highly prestigious nursing scholarships and I'm dying to know who got them. Now, this is not a scenario where I'll get the inside scoop... and it kills me.

 Next thing is I took my big blood test. The one that will start the chain of tests to determine what kind of tumor (if any) I have. Now, I reallllyyy want to know the results! Like, now!

So, I sit here waiting... "patiently" trying to pass the time by occupying my mind with ATI, and finals, and exams.... being ever so patient, like the proper girl my mother taught me to be. HA!

And now, back to studying for my PEDS exam...

PS: this is a painting I painted... It seems appropriate for Peds : D


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