Monday, July 12, 2010

Feeling lighter ; P

So, nursing school has no doubtedly given me some extra stress, and the extra stress has lead to more studying and less working out... which has lead to a larger tire around my waist and a lower self-esteem. It's funny, self-esteem has never been something that I lacked... In the past 2 years (since I started the program), I have gained about 30#... and that has bothered me. I never wanted to be super skinny, I know it's not possible with my build, but I did want to fit into my clothes I've outgrown. It would be nice to walk into a clothing store and never worry about if their size will fit you. Well since the nursing program has started it's only gotten worse.

As the years have passed, I kept saying that when the program was easier I would dedicate more time to healthy eating and more exercise. Ironically, I LOVE veggies and fruits. Chocolate, cake, ice cream, candy, doughnuts do NOTHING for me. You would think I'd be as thin as a rail. However, with the added stress of the program, my desire to fix the foods I enjoy has gone out the window. I then began to settle for convenience (quick, portable, and effortless i.e. fast food).

These bad habits have got me in trouble, my pant size is enormous... (maybe one day when I get down to my ideal weight I will tell you)... and I feel disgusting. So I recently found out that I have a genetic condition that alters my metabolism and other various aspects to my body.  My hormones are "outta whack" and it only adds to the problem. My PA believes that my weight gain is 50% bad eating/no working out and 50% metabolic disease. So he wants to start me on glucophage (for you non-nursing it's a diabetes medication that helps with glucose metabolism {I do not have DM but it helps for people like me}) Well he hasn't done this yet because I've been having some stomach problems...

These stomach problems have lead me to alter my diet. Basically can you imagine having diarrhea for 3 months? Well I did and it sucked. I thought I may have a lactose intolerance so I began to cut dairy (100%) out of my diet... this lead to no cheese, milk, yogurt etc which was shockingly a large part of my diet. With this new change I began eating differently, choosing different options, which ultimately were healthier options. As I began to feel better I thought about making it permanent. Healthy eating is not difficult, but only takes effort. And the funny thing is I like this much better!

I began to essentially count calories and make better choices. I do not count vegetables into my calorie count because I don't believe in limiting what is naturally healthy, and fortunately for me, what I love. This has been going on for about 2 weeks. With inspiration from  BadEmma by reading her blog, I've began my own journey. Her facebook collection of food is inspiring, and has helped me unleash some new dishes that I love and are super healthy. Thanks lady!!

As of today I am 10lbs lighter. Its a start, I don't quite see it yet, but people are noticing. Plus, I feel better, I don't feel guilty anymore and honestly just enjoy stepping on the scale and seeing my progress.

I wrote this to not only give you insight into my life, but to hold myself accountable. I've put myself out there so expect updates, and if you don't see any (or read any on twitter) then send me some words and remind me LOL...

My goal for this summer is to be down 30# by September 11th... wish me luck!

Anyways, this is lengthy, but necessary... good times and happy healthy living ahead : P


Catherine said...

You are AWESOME! Great job on feeling lighter and happier. You are SO on your way to being the very best you! (Oh crap, I sound like Oprah...) It sounds like cutting dairy was exactly what you needed to do, and that things are improving. Thanks for the shout-out! It's so appreciated, and I'm glad you like the food pics!

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